ride around!
The 10th Year of MTB riding at the Ride2Nowhere in McGregor once again proved that this little dorpie knows how to put on a show.
Words by: Miles Hodge

Lining up under the start/finish gantry at the Ride2Nowhere in the special village of McGregor was bittersweet and really special. Not only was it the 10th anniversary of the event but it is also potentially the last – hence bittersweet . I think that most organized events strive to have something unique about them, they take on their own personality and become known as a particular type of event – so either it's super long, really hard, a great race to start a multi-stage event with, brilliant single tracks, gnarly, sandy, windy and so on. Ride2Nowhere isn’t really about any of these in my opinion. It doesn’t have a significantly difficult route (and that’s cool!), you have options to test your endurance, it can get pretty damn hot and the course has a mix of district road and some lovely singles.

The event organisers are a lekker bunch and a lot of the people involved volunteer or are happy to contribute for an entry. However there are challenges; with venues, politics with locals, considerations on routes traversing private or national parks land, accommodation choices, parking and a race village – raising money for the local church and the community all the while trying to make a profit or at least pay the organizing staff. It is a challenge. But year after year the race has gone ahead – nothing has stopped it except for Covid – and that as a result may see the event stop forever – which despite the challenges would be a tragedy. Let me tell you why ...
The MTB routes are really fab, gnarly enough to be a test but interspersed with lovely gravel roads that allow you to chat, recover and admire the countryside. There are different options and e-bikes are welcomed. Well marked and well stocked tables put the event on a par with most – the organizers know their business. The riding is tough at times but fun as well – it really is a great excuse to take a few days away from the cities and to experience platteland lifestyle at its best. I for one hope that this event is rescued and stays well entrenched on the MTB calendar! SPONSOR REQUIRED! With a cash injection this could be what it should be – a must on your to do list – every year!